Jan 21, 2018

mischa these days

as i said mischa has a kidney failure.
so these days i give him a intravenous drip every day.
amount of a drip is 250 ml.
it took me about 15 min.
he do not like it, but i have to do this to keep his life.

Jan 1, 2018

A happy new year 2018!

Happy new year!
Now i am in a long winter vacation for about 10 days.
but mischa needs special care, so i could not go anywhere far places.
so something i can do now is to study english and to play some games including ps4.
at the begging of 2017 i thought it would be difficult to predict the world economy future. but it looked much better than the one expected. these days i begin to think of the growth of bit coin. at 2018 i have to respond to it anyway. the size of the earth is limited, so there are not many ways i can do for it.
